Contract SP Rewards

Hello all,

I’m new to the game and English is not my first language so please bear with me if my questions sound silly.

Question 1:
I would like an experienced player explain to me the difference in profitability SP wise between the following contracts assuming I already finished 10 trips:

-To Playable airport regardless of player.
-To playable airport with preferred player.
-To a non playable destination.
-AI airline contracts whether Local, Regional or International.

Question 2:
Is it possible to earn more SP to non playable destination than a playable one?

Question 3:
Can a destination SP be exhausted? Why would I send my fleet to a lesser rewarding destination when I can send all of them to the most rewarding one?

Thank you.


To summarise

No SP difference between type any but consider this

Playable airport regardless of player:
Start at 1 handling
Takes up slots at destination airport

With preffered player:
Start at 10 handling
Doesn’t take up slots

To non player destination:
Start at 1 handling
Takes up slots at destination airport

Ai contract:
Doesn’t take up destination slots
Start at 1 handling
Earns around 5x less than if using own fleet

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Clarification needed: 5x less Wollars, SP is the same!

Only 2 things that changes SP reward is airplane model and destination distance.

About your 3rd question, mind you that a far away destination will take a longer time for the round trip, so it really depends on your playstyle. If you play once or twice a day, you’ll want the longest destinations and biggest airplanes available, so you earn the biggest SP rewards possible per landing. But if you play continuously for 2 hours, you won’t have any planes to land after handling all your contracts, so you might want shorter routes to keep your airport busy (or you might just change to another airport).

SP isn’t the only currency, and eventually you’ll have much more then you need. When you reach this point, you’ll realise that shorter routes will earn you more XP and Wollars in an extended play session in a single airport, meaning you can level up faster. The only currency you’ll never get enough of is golden planes (GP).

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