Gate Chaos at PRG

Can’t wait for the New Update, the Gate Chaos at PRG makes me Sick
If you have any ideas how I can solve the Gate Chaos at PRG please Comment down below

You need to be a bit more specific about the “gate chaos”.

New update will not solve gate chaos caused by player :slight_smile: Just saying.

But at least it will quite get better
BTW: When your Gate that You’ve Built Before the New Update stay the Same?

Yes. some gates will just have double option (S/M) (XL/L).
Already purchased will have option to upgrade.

Is there a chance to have Upgradeable Gates
From M-L-X?

Some XL stands will have downgrade options as well. (XL / L / M / S) but normally I would say S should not be best strategy to park by XL gate (or L)

Agreed thanks for helping me out on these 2 Questions
Happy Devoloping