GRU Pre-release Discussion

The route can’t be in the game yet, neither AMS nor GRU are playable yet. But it will probably be possible to bring flights from Europe to GRU. Why not? But then with the normal KLM livery, not the “special” (event) livery


Why is this chat getting flooded with non gru stuff?

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What do you mean? It all has to do with it or routes/airlines pertaining to it…


Bro this is like the third thread where you have accused people of flooding the chat(also routes from GRU has everything to do with GRU). Thanks for your efforts but we don’t need you to be the forum police we already have mods for that.


Wait a minute so that means when GRU release then we get more brazlian contracts? (Inculding M events from AZUL)



AZUL, GOL, Voepass and LATAM are big players there


What about TAM as an event? That could fit GRU

If you were to be exact in the lime last 2 weeks I have said two chats had flooding, for this one in instance I misread it as a tense of flooding cause I thought it was talking about conversations not to do with GRU but in reality it actually is which is my bad on that part cause I didn’t take too close of notice, and I wouldn’t really call myself the forum police, I merely just jumped to a certain conclusion too fast. and yes Pizza_711 I know there are mods for this.

I’m contemplating whether to grind New Orleans to unlock GRU or buy it with GPs.

Though, I think if I buy it with GP then I’ll probably make them back from the level rewards


you won’t make them back from level rewards. you get maybe 1 or 2 for free. imo buying airports with gp is a big waste. Only really worth it to buy a big hub further up the progression, to have 2 lines to progress and to have an airport to get easy sp and thus gp


One thing I’ve never seen mentioned when discussing unlocking airports with Gold Planes is that the contracts you handle over time (player or generic) at the airport should generate enough Silver Planes to pay it back at some point, assuming an airport was to cost, let’s say 15 GP as an example here, that’s a weekly conversion, so as an example about 10 flights to Europe plus another 10 to 15 competed long haul contracts for daily conversions should give you enough to pay back that amount for example.

Might be completely off, but my logic is you’ll get the Silver Planes back from contracts at that airport to convert into the amount of Gold Planes you spent on it, but in my eyes paying to go from MSY to GRU is like SXM to LHR, where the time saved on levelling up could be worth it more than spending the time to finish off the smaller airport that precedes it, but of course the route you take and how you spend Gold Planes is all an individual thing, everyone having different opinions on what’s the best way to spend them.


Ultimately, airports only cost me around 8-9 days of gp earnings, so I don’t really see it as a huge deal if I do buy it. That’s why I haven’t really gotten msy very far at all.


I understand, but since it’s still a premium currency, I’d rather give priority on spending it on unlocking planes than airports. Definitely for newer players.

I think MSY is pretty alright for unlocking GRU. I bought LHR myself with gp when it came out (as a comparison: I am still 1 level away from unlocking LHR for free through SXM and already maxed MSY for like 2-3 ago weeks at this point).

Imo it’s in general better to unlock planes rather than unlock every or a lot of airports with gp, because planes will help you progress faster in the long run


Absolutely, but you do have to be very cautious with certain aircraft as they are borderline useless compared to other similar ones, let’s take the B77L, the games economy system means you can’t use it on the routes it’s intended for, so end up paying a premium for a plane which is not much better than a smaller one.

My thoughts would be unlocking an airport would give you far more advantage than unlocking some of the more recent planes we’ve got (airports also seem to be cheaper than planes these days as well), especially if you are further on in the game like a lot of us here seem to be, as the games economy and range system for player aircraft, at least in my books, causes quite a few issues with aircraft not being as capable as they should be. Newer players I would say definitely should look into planes, as they’ll be focusing on growing their fleet and building up their existing airports.


If these peace talks work out well will the Russian airlines be added along with Belavia?

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Hopefully, i think we all just want the war to end, also would be nice to see Russian airlines back


It would be interesting, but the devs have not indicated one way or another what would happen.

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I think it also depends on what the deal is, I won’t get into the politics of it, but it could end up in a position where most people don’t actually think the peace deal ended up that well.


When will the developers release a new spoiler about the GRU airport? I’m excited to understand the dynamics involved in this next update, knowing all the love and dedication that the developers have for the game.

I confess that I’m having a bit of trouble evolving with the MSY airport.

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Be full of hope

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