How do you change your game name again?

Sorry for alot of questions lately but just asking how you change your name. (In-game)

Not possible in game

BTW how do you do in the forum?

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I swear i saw how to do that. For the life of me cant find it now!

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You can email the devs and ask them to change it. That’s the only way

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Alright thanks.

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Doing a search in the Forum before asking questions can be helpful, you know.

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Alright. No need to be rude though.


I don’t think he was being rude, just saying research could have been done beforehand.


It is just a friendly suggestion, no rudeness.


Sorry thought the ‘you know’ was implying i was dumb :sweat_smile:
Mb! Can’t really get the tone of voice here haha

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