Player news

LeChonk Group Revolutionising Leipzig

Nearly a month ago the LeChonk group announced their new hub at Leipzig, since then the hub has been a fast growing example in the importance of cargo operations in an airline. As new airlines such as Waitukubuli, AeroApollo, Ar Air and Virgin Islands Airways send planes to The Lechonk group terminal so too does the Lechonk group itself. They are now sending their new fleet of A332Fs, B77LFs and B748Fs outward to Flexi members in Bangkok and New Orleans. This creates a big leap in the LeChonk group as the first of many cargo planes join their fleet.

Antonov 124s seen at the far end of Leipzig/Halle Airport


There’s only so many combinations you can use lol, especially if you’re using only the base color sets


ok cheers mate


London heathrow airport annouces that flexi allince won an award for a very great line up of the bigger flexi planes yet it’s amazing achivement.
Plus another photo of the line up the following week


JJet Announce Money Made In 2024
With JJet commencing operations last year the airline wasn’t expected to make much, if any. But they exceeded expectations and made almost 189 million USD! Obviously this isn’t much, but this is huge for the airline as with this money (and slightly more) they’ve bought 3 more E-190s (former JetBlue) and 2 CRJ900s (1 former Mesa and 1 former Lufthansa) to expand their network. They’ve so far revealed 5 new routes for the 5 new aircraft! The E-190s will be operating on services to the following:
St. Louis, Tampa, Raleigh and Albuquerque
The CRJs will operate to the destinations below:
Portland (Maine) and Louisville!

(JJet Ad)


A 200 million dollar profit is huge


Well BA holidays made 600million last year

Sure, but 200mil is enormous for a non charter/ package airline

Eh, who cares, i got investors.

A New Year, A New Headquarters
Argon Air is proud to announce the opening of a new headquarters in Leipzig, Germany.

With successful operations at NGO continuing, NGO headquarters control will be transferred to LEJ.
New and long overdue for introduction, Argon Air Aerospace & Cargo Division.

With LEJ as homebase for Argon Air R&D all technological advancements will be produced and shipped out of LEJ to all Argon Air airports and Flexi-Alliance members.

Also new for LEJ is an new service, an Executive Flight is going to be introduced to transport Argon Air and Flexi-Alliance partners between headquarters for conferences/meetings.

Once Flexi-Alliance members have secured Exec-Crafts contracts public contracts will be entertained.

Fly Safe


FlyMetro Cargo getting a new look!

With increasing cargo demand, FlyMetro is changing up the look of the their B77LF’s and matching ULDs.

Concept art of the designs:

First aircraft in the hanger:


Breaking News From Taiwan!: China Airlines has officially out of the cargo Market

These days since the merger of the former Aeroflot and China Airlines the CEO has decided to cease operations with normal cargo flights from BKK to Leipzig and LHR. the company has sold all of its B777WFs and other cargo aircrafts to exchange for more B777-300ER and A35K aircrafts for intercontinental flights. The service with other players still in full operations .

Notice: this is a news in WOA not in real life!

Happy Flying

A member of Skyteam International and Flexi Alliance


wait so that means no more cargo contracts to Leipzig?

Overhaul at BKK

Yesterday morning there was an upsurge of arrival flights from China Airlines and Skyflex caught the ATC off guard. “We haven’t prepared our stands then the rush came” said one of the ground controllers, the rush caused lots of aircrafts need to circle around the airfield to wait for available stands causing severe delays. Lots of passengers told our press that they had enough waiting for a gate after a long flight, some passengers even said “Looks like the lads on tarmac has some bigotry with small aircrafts.” The ramp manager replied that they had no choice but to make this decision that these larger long haul flights has more passengers on it, they wanted to keep the damage as low as possible. "Since it’s easier to deal with 30 to 40 passengers than dealing with over 200 " the manager said. The officials had started the emergency SOPs, and we hope the chaos will be brought to an end soon.

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Yeah, it means that I am not able to send planes to Leipzig, but I can accept contracts from it.

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Can we please refrain here or anywhere else in this Forum from collisions and other aircraft incidents? It is not something to take lightly. Thank you.

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Not sure what happened but yeah don’t talk about collisions and stuff

That post was in very poor taste, if it happened or not it’s not the kind of thing we want discussing here.


sorry guys :frowning: i didn’t reliase that it would have consqiuence Can you frogive me?

Breaking news

Belgium airline has annouced “decideing to sell belgium eruopean cargo” which is a thing consdering that they already have the mainly cargo but however they may change the thing as belgium cargo can keep belgium eruopean but under them. In other news belgium airlines have plans for 2025 here’s whats to know of.
Feburay 18th: starts a route from brussels to Hanoi
Februay 20th: starts to get either A321NEO or A321 XLR
march 2nd: sells black lime australia
March 9th: buys out the remaing planes from belgium reigonal
March 17th: route from Brussels to london heathrow
March 18th: route from brussels to London gatwick
March 30th: buys a plane from United
this is just the begining of plans more to come soon