I really want to know if there is a place where I can get contracts from other players or send contracts? For example, Discord server or something like that.
You can make post on forum connection thread and tell what your are looking for or what you want to send to someone.
Also WOA public server what you can join thru game have contracts thread what is pretty active.
Thank you so much.
If you won’t find it then type for me on pv so I can send you request for woa server
I don’t know if you use Facebook but on Facebook there are many WOA groups where you will find players from all over the world. We search and join there everyone is asking for connections with all the airports in the game.And everyone is kind and helpful, I was able to get connections to LHR and SYD.And everyone is kind and helpful, I was able to get connections to LHR and SYD.
There is a Board in this forum called: “Connections & Co.”. That’s where you can post contracts you want to send/receive at specific airports with other players.
In the connections board in this forum I have to post, if I want a connection FROM a player airport.
So I have to post several times because I want to contract L and X Cargo planes TO my airport (in this case LHR)
The WoA connection & co. is one place to post for player connections. The other is WoA channel on Discord there is a player connection string you can post there.