Because by the time it gets unlocked at LHR you’ll probably have enough wollars to buy 4-5 77Ws. Why would you use it then if you know it can help boost you at a new airport?
? Pre 2.0 doesn’t transfer, and yes you can.
So much better to use at a new airport, cause 300k is nothing
That really depends on how you’re playing, whether you have the B77W unlocked, and even if you do have 3-4 already why wouldn’t you want a 5th to increase earnings anyway.
This isn’t so serious.
But if you have 4 would be so easy to get a fifth and a free one is better used at a new airport
I personally am also in the group that doesn’t often redeem a plane at the airport I unlocked it at if its one of the ones that could be unlocked at any airport (the main exception to this is MCT, which because of its location connecting to all current and planned playable airports – I did unlock a few of those planes at MCT as they will be more useful at an airport that I don’t see myself shuttering anytime in the next year plus).
In general though, I save them, and I never save them with the intent to sell. In fact, I don’t sell them ever. The main reason for that is I’d rather have the variety in my fleet and that’s my main reason for purchasing the premium pass – the enjoyment of different kinds of planes in my fleet. Selling planes as opposed to redeeming them defeats that purpose.
I don’t always mass redeem at a new airport either. I really only redeem a plane if it’s useful for a player connection. So along these lines, I have yet to redeem two A306Fs that have been sitting in my redeemables for who knows how long. They just haven’t been super useful for the airports I’ve been playing and my connection partners. But – those planes are about to become quite useful for the MCT → BKK route. Depending on what demand looks like the other way, what my alliance mates want, etc, I may redeem them at MCT or BKK or one at each as it works out when the time comes.