it’s alright & nice liveries on your planes & plus your 777-300ER was also spotted at night wtih 3 belgium airline planes
Yeah. Still surprised Atlanta got hit that bad? School cancelled! Lucky…
Define snowed in…
Yeah up in Idaho you get a lot in the winters…
As I live down south we don’t usually get snow here (by usually I mean every ten years) and school was canceled the whole week
(Now let’s go back on topic )
bit of a glomy day at LHR with the biggest flexi plane (credits to @ARGON) in the distances with another one of his planes (787-9) & then a saudia 777-300ER & a AEGEAN A320-200
On the other hand we had Virgin Island airways A350-1000 landing & his A330-200 in the distnace with a @ARGON belgium airline speical livery on a A220-100 then blackbirds 777-300ER & then we have belgium airlines A300 + A330-200F & then a DHL 757-200F
here is basiclly a lot of the flexi “big bois” which inculde one of my A330-300 someone elses 777-300ER @VirginIslandsAir A350-1000 & A330-200 & then @Thruii 787-9 & then a belgium express E170 & a belgium airlines E190.
After that we have another line up of the excat same plane (from @VirginIslandsAir) but with @ARGON 787-9 in the flexi allaince livery 3 belgium airlines planes (2 A300-600 & 1 A330-200)
& a transavia A320-NEO in the foreground
We have a conga line based of mainly british airways.1st We have a british airways 767-300
2nd Virgin atlantic A350-1000. 3rd Singapore airlines (event) 747-400. 4th british airways E170.
5th British airways 777-300ER. 6th britsh airways A319-100. 7th british airways E170.
Also we had another plane landing in the distance an Emirates 777-200F taxing to runway 27R. Then we had other airlines in the distance (you might be able to see) inculding velung, Lufthansa & ITA
We have another line up of planes which inculde my A340-300 (LHR-BKK route) A lufthansa A320 (LHR - FRA) 2 cathay pacific (1 777-300ER the other 777-300) (LHR-HKG) & A british airways E170.
Later on it was a bit more depresing as it started to rain
we have A trukish airlines A350-900 (LHR - IST) Swiss A321 NEO or A220 (LHR-ZRH), British airways B463, Ibera A340-300 (LHR-MAD) Finnair A330-300 (LHR-HEL) Ibera A330-200 (LHR-BCN) & A AirCanada 787-9 (LHR-YUL )
Here we have another regulear night here at LHR but however as we move to march the airport will start to be more busy for example i recently got contracts from these following airlines. Untied 767-300 (LHR-BOS)
trukminestan 777-200LR
2X Cathay pacifics 777-300ER & 777-300
British airways 787-8 LHR - Cario
British airways 787-9 LHR-IAD
& T4C is going to get stands for flexi allaince members for L or X