New Airline Liveries and Aircraft - South America

Yes, but, We need to have them takeoff about 3x later than every other 734F, for accuracy :rofl:


Please add the Avianca b788 with the green livery




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Jolly good ol chap

Suriname :suriname: Airways

A340-300: BRI, PRG, IAD, SAN, LEJ, LHR, (maybe: SYD, MCT, NGO)
737-800: SXM, SAN, IAD
DHC8-300: SXM


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: New Airline Liveries and Aircraft - Defunct airlines

Return of the “adding a random link to a quote and then replying with something that makes some sense but also none at the same time cause it’s so obvious why would anyone point it out” guy


Sterna Airlines :brazil: Airbus A300B destinations.
Departing from GUARULHOS, BrasĂ­lia, GIG and Manaus to SAN, IAD, PRG, LHR, MUSCAT.
Sterna Airlines, was a Brazilian cargo company and the only one to operate the A300B model in Brazil.


The A300B doesn’t have the range to even reach SXM, an A320 outranges it (in my experience with it as a fleet plane)


then it would be your opinion if it doesn’t arrive in SXM, even because this company even made trips to the United States. And it was a cargo company, not a passenger company.

How is the stated range of an aircraft opinion

It doesn’t have the range to reach IAD from Brasilia (I think the closest, there I could be wrong) I literally checked

And of course it would never arrive in SXM, the airport doesn’t have any L cargo gates, it’s almost like that wasn’t my point

Edit: ok, i was wrong about Brasilia being the closest, it is manaus, but even then

Still not enough range, and on top of that the runway is too short for the aircraft to operate there


Of course, Manaus airport has the capacity to receive the A300B. This airport “Manaus” operates with B747 jumbo jets, as it would not be able to with the A300B ? The length of the runway may be wrong in the game, as well as the length of Guarulhos which has already been fixed by the developers.

I restate this point


Hello dear WOA team, would it be possible to add details to the paintings of real companies?
Image 1. Details in the painting of the A350 of Azul Linhas AĂ©reas.
Image 2. Details in the painting of the A350 of Japan Airlines. This is the same even in other paintings.


Okay bro, leave your opinion there :sweat_smile:

a plane’s functional range is not opinion, how hard is that to understand.


To put it simply, if it doesn’t have enough range to reach an in game airport it probably wont even be considered, let alone added.


I give you M aircraft from BKK to SYD and rest my case.

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Just don’t mention those BA E170s which seemingly have the range of a 787

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