PRG-MCT Connection Requests


So if I’m looking for connections to my PRG from someone’s MCT, isn’t this the right place?

Player name: FulltÖs
Time Zone: GMT+2.00

Looking for a connection from my PRG to your MCT
Timezone: UTC +2
Username: itskemo_

Looking for Connection partner, my PRG, your MCT
Name: MW6190
Time: UTC +1

Sent request

Looking for connection my PRG to your MCT


Hi, I am looking for MCT player for my PRG airport to make achievement.
In game name: indubitableHealer355
Timezone: UTC +1
Play time: 8-2am
Fleet: A lot of B757 (M passenger) with some B777 (L) mixed in.
Any daily active player is welcome

Looking for a connection from my PRG to your MCT.
Timezone: GMT +1
Username: tobinampur
My Fleet is 7 x M 1x S all Pax Planes.

Looking for connection, your MCT to my PRG
T4fty iXi

Looking for connection my PRG to your MCT

id : mingaeng1990
t/z : GMT+09:00 Seoul, Korea

I have 5M planes

I think you can send me a request at my Muscat…My time zone is +5.30 GMT. But I dont have a fleet at Muscat except a single small plane as just started. But feel free to send your planes and I will handle them. Can handle S, M and L planes

Id: TheLegendRacer001
Send your planes and I will handle them as dont have a fleet currently.

My In game ID is TheLegendRacer001. I can handle your planes at my Muscat.

Hi there, I’m in PRG and need connections with following airports MSC, INN, BRI, LEJ.

Mostly M planes
UTC +2 (Poland)
Playing mostly in the mornings and evenings, but checking all day.
ID: andrewhay

Looking connection from my PRG to MCT.

Id: felix70007
Timezone: UCT+1 Spain
Play whole day, mostly 7AM and 10PM