SYD - Conversation

Sometimes the translator does not translate Spanish efficiently, that is what I was looking for, you have saved me, thank you very much friends.


It has been maybe already mentioned but I want to ask the dev’s, it would be really nice to have more outside stands in SYD (especially for L planes, there non atm). There are two areas already built in the south, need maybe just unlocked.

As well it would be nice to get Stands D52, D54 and D56 again as M and not only S.



Didn’t you see some changes in the two areas you marked in your picture? Just wait patiently.

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İ hope devs can add mid area stands when they add sharing stands at İAD

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I once got a reply that it could be added in the future and maybe some S stands also missing at the regional terminal
Hopefully with the next update


Adding to this conversation, here is stand D52-56 with Jetstar A320 & A321 on it (photoshopped of course).

It would also be awesome if passenger can be boarded/disembarked using rear stairs simutaneously to the jetbridge just like real life, (i.e Row 1-14 Jetbridge, 15-30 Rear stair). Passenger would just walk into the terminal. (The markings are there)


Jetstar Aus always uses rear doors for exiting the plane

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Until D52, D54 and D56 are turned into M stands, they will just sit there stoking up dust as S stands which I don’t use.

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