SYD - Post release discussion


Itā€™s coming soon from what i got from the devs

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I thought theyā€™d never do it :face_holding_back_tears:

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Devs always find a way to amaze me :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Iā€™m very excited! Canā€™t wait to transition much of my European fleet to these little guys!


Unfortunately those are going to be a while, so you will have to keep on waiting. They certainly are not planned to be next.


Which one thereā€™s like 8 stands in that screenshot man

Wrong location, here it is


They have lots of stands like that in game. Usually itā€™s because they are in a position were it would be to hard to program. But there are 94 stands at Syd in game so I think that enough :joy:

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I know itā€™s not a topic of discussion but seeing as we will get the smaller variants of the aircraft, I might point out and think that when the 737 is updated again to v3 the other variants would arrive.versions that are missing in the game as well as maybe they will add the variants of the 747 as well, it is a guess but I can expect the 737.
QuizƔs obtendremos el Max 9, 7 y 10
Las variantes 800, 900, 900er, 500, 600, mƔs 400 de pasajeros, 300 y los ya casi extintos
200 y 100 del 737 como dije es una suposiciĆ³n que podrĆ­a hacerse realidad viendo las variantes agregadas de la familia a320 y Dash.

I personally hope V2 models get updated after we get new aircraft.

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Yea but after the definitely not requested 767ā€“300


I did say new models before V2

Definetly not requested 767 series, not just the 300


Oh lol. I read it wrong mb

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767? Canā€™t say Iā€™ve heard of it mateā€¦ :man_shrugging:


I regret testing my theory


Iā€™m kinda scared. Who here knows a therapistā€¦ :joy:

What stand is that? More than likely a bug which hasnā€™t been noticed.

That looks like one of the 50ā€™s bays, the ones with jetways but are only S stands