Devblog 2.1.0 - New Features and Exciting Enhancements
Greetings to all our World of Airports players!
We’re thrilled to announce the release of version 2.1.0, packed with numerous bug fixes and some major updates. You can find the detailed list of fixes on our forum. The highlight of this release is the introduction of the Tower Manager feature, which significantly eases the gameplay. Players can now activate individual controllers for a certain duration, which, importantly, continues to run even when you’re not in the game, similar to our temporary handling crew. This function not only reduces the need for constant monitoring and clicking but also speeds up the overall handling cycle of airplanes. Since this feature significantly saves game time, it’s paid for with Silver Planes, which are earned during gameplay.
In this update, we’re also introducing three new B787 airplane models. We’ve made a significant increase in the unlock price for these models, continuing the trend we started with the release of BCS1 and BCS2. Our goal is to keep these new models exclusive while maintaining our philosophy that players can access all content just by playing the game. To balance this, we’re actively developing a new functionality for daily challenges, filled with opportunities to earn these airplanes. These steps are part of our commitment to the long-term sustainability of our project.
Additionally, we’ve completely updated the model of the Bari airport. Now, the only remaining update is for IAD.
We want to thank you for your immense support that continually drives us forward. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!