7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Aviation Talking Point
what airport size do you want next?!?!?!?!
- small only airport
- small and medium only airport
- S. M, L airport
- S, M, L, X airport
what continent do you want the new airport to be in!!!
North America / Europe = are not included cause i feel there are already too many!
- Africa
- south america
- asia
- oceana
I already did this
Also btw the devs said the next couple airport after they fill every continent will be small but still able to handle s,m,l,x
didnt really see yours i also didt remember my bad
I want all sizes but a small airport like SXM. With that being said, how many stands do you want at the next airport
- <10
- 10-20
- 21-30
- 31-50
- 51-70
- 71-100
- 100+
London City for its uniqueness and steep approach and rocket like take offs,
Coming back to this the 777F won by a landslide. I hope when the devs rework it they add the 77E and L
Out of all the missing aircraft in game, which are your top three that you want to see the most
- 717
- 727
- 753
- 767
- 772/E/L
- a310
- a330neo
- Embraer E2
- comac c919
- md-11
do you miss the old version?
- yes
- 50 / 50
- no
I dont get why someone would?(other than nostalgia maybe)
I miss it for the contact capacity being non-existant, otherwise new > old, it’s judt better
Would have been nice for you to ask if you could use my screenshot of the TUI 737 before posting it outside of the INN sharepoint…
sorry about that, that’s completely my fault right there, i was just caught up in putting a poll thing about the different versions! I’ll ask next time tho.
áno súhlasím že letisko je najhoršie ju hrať
@Ecoaviation can you please reply them the rules on English? Only because I know you have it screenshot somewhere and I’m too lazy to look lol.
I don’t know why you @me but are you talking to me or the other lad?
Update: it’s in Czech so I can’t translate them, only Polish and Russian are the ones I can translate.
He said:
“yes, I agree that the airport is the worst to play it”