Daily poll
What level are you at Nagoya
- 1-10
- 11-20
- 21-30
- 31-40
- 41-50
- 51-60
- 61-67
- 68 (Max)
Daily poll
What level are you at Nagoya
What airports do you have international at
Almost got SYD
More of us have international at SXM than lej 5.5x over, that’s saying something
LEJ is so hard to play…. So many hexagon planes
Yeah I was gonna say I fond it ironic as it’s basically agreed it’s the hardest to grind airport
Honestly I thought lej was the easiest to grind since theirs lots of L local planes and cargo planes generate more xp than pax planes…
Idrk tho since I don’t play it that much
I honestly don’t dig that scheme on most aircraft, but the colors you chose and how long the A35K is, it just looks beautiful.
For LHR I’m going to have a new livery scheme for the fleet using this livery but I’m not too sure on the colours
Give me some colours+picture of your suggestions and I’ll make a poll at the end of my fav options.
Would be funny if you used @ritcheuy livery don’t actually do it tho.
I think a dark color for primary (I’ve got a dark blue here), then two bright colors that complement each other.
Supreme 3, World of Airports most popular player livery!
I just want my 757 remodel so I can put my 757s into corporate colours…
Perhaps I should start a thread about liveries and their combos
I think you should use the custom liveries thread
That’s for photos hopped liveries with logos n all, not in game liveries
Ok. I think I’ll change my vote then