2.3.1 bugs

Guys i have been noticing a lot of issues and the other topic about bugs in 2.3.1 was shutted

Also have you notice this bug when the bag truck wheels come flying off

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& the Parking Mini Game doesn’t Work in Many Platforms in All the Airports except in INN, (LEJ & LHR i Think…)

The reason some of the threads about bugs are being shut is because we keep saying send them directly to the developers at support@flyboys.games. The devs don’t check the forum for bug reports like they use to, and we don’t need a never ending stream of new bug threads when just one could be set up for discussions under the bug report category. Hope you understand! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks @ukplanespotter757

No worries :+1:

Liveries for 2.3.2 have been posted here so it appears another set of bug fixes will be coming soon.

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Yeah I think they might realse 2.3.2 soon

I am in daily contact with one of the developers as I am a beta tester of the game and the bug patch update will be released soon

That’s a load of rubbish. Beta Testers have a tag like those with regular, and only the other day you said you were getting info from a Facebook group. :man_shrugging:

Please think before you post…


Yep, in some Gates of All the Airports Still the Bug of the Parking Mini Game… :pensive:

Send screenshots to the devs. Only way they will get reviewed and fixed

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Airplane is gone, but they still loading cargo and fuel​:ok_man::sunglasses:

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Send it to support@flyboys.games

wait did the plane just disapperad when it was handling?

Airplane was ready for fly, i send him, but staff decide to do overtime :grin::sunglasses: