About Alliances

Guys I am very new in player to player connections I do play from 10 months but Started player to player about one month ago

I am so confused About how the alliance works …Their benefit’s and negative side

Can anyone explain all it’s aspects in this thread so new players would get idea about it

Alliances will allow you to have much more player contracts. Which then allows you to get more xp and sp from the contracts. You also only have to do the full 10 flights rather then 55 (someone correct me if i’m wrong) flights, so that way you get the rewards faster. On the downsides, you will have to play more often, although most will be flexible with that. would be different per alliance.

Each alliance also has their own ‘conditons’. Some only allow you to have connections from one airport, some let you play anywhere. Each alliance also has a spercific livery you put on a minority of your fleet. There would also be conditons to join changing based on the alliance.


Thanks a lot
So the logos I see while welcoming some random players Are they part of alliance?

Yeah, like @Teddythefire has IAG on his logo. You are welcome to join our alliance (Flexi Alliance ) depending on if you meet the qualifications. They are a great way to level up airports and send your planes to players that play everyday or almost everyday :+1:

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Thanks for the offer, I would checkout your Alliance

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I checked out the alliance but the problem is I don’t have any fleet which is free( like all of them have contract)
I would buy and join the alliance soon
Great work guys :clap::saluting_face:

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It’s fine, I can still send you a max from IAD or a 777w

Thank you
What about 77w to my nagoya?
Username: SageDeck187

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Sure, I’ll send it tmr or new years

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I also have quite a few L laying aroud if you would like any

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Would love to have 2 or 3 at my nagoya
I play twice or thrice a week

Everyday when there is holiday


Nice, it’s usual the opposite for people lol, don’t play during the holidays

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Funny how I said tmr or new years but still haven’t sent it lol, i just bought another 777 so I’ll send it to your ngo

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No worries
You can send anytime :smile:

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