Airport unlocking

Couldn’t find any threads to put this idea on so here it is.

As a more casual player, I think that the ways to unlock the next airport take a long time, unless you play for most of your day. I am suggesting that the number of passengers is interchangeable (where say 1 million could be 750,000 or 1.25 million) so it is easier or casual players, or harder on my dedicated players


Should like it’s fun, would definetly help on airports such as San and the upcoming SXM as I imagine that will be hard to get 1 mil
And lej if that uses passengers

I think it’s a very good idea because in some airports like SAN or NGO it takes a long time (it takes longer in NGO, that airport is too boring)

Do you mean San was boring, ngo was easy to get the 1 mil imo

Nagoya was difficult, it seemed more difficult to me than in SAN I don’t know why

I haven’t passed NGO yet even though i play for an hour a day with all gates unlocked

that’s true, it takes a long time and the airport doesn’t have many routes with “special” airlines, but after seeing Nagoya you will feel very good