Bangkok Airport Runway

Hi Admin!

Is There any posibility u can fix Runway 19 R & 20 R?
Cuz there’s alot of traffic on 19R-01L can some plane cross to 20R instead using 19R-01L to hold?

Thank you.

20R is not a departure runway. So this won’t happen. All departures are from 19R


What about at LHR? I watch live streams and the runway they land on in the game they take off from, it should change in the game to

If I’m correct next year you’ll be able to chose, honestly though the runway they use doesnt matter too much.

I believe that’s for 2D view potentially.

As for LHR standard operation apart from early morning arrivals is 1 departure 1 arrival. Apart from the future flex options, not going to be changed.


Can u change SYD ,the 2 runways can be used for landing in fact.

Any news on a new hotfix update or anything?

Nothing coming and SYD is not being changed either

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Yeah it is known that SYD does use that runway for landings, but right now devs have said it’s not being changed from the current set up


I can agree with @carlsberg72 that Sydney does use that 2nd runway for Landings hence because i have flown in there many times however the devs probably had a reason for it so lets not keep begging and telling them its a landing runway cause they already know that.

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