BKK -- No Lights at Night?

New to the forum! I tried to send a message on FB, but it said to post here :slightly_smiling_face:

Please tell me I’m not the only one it’s happening to – I’ve been playing BKK for about a week now and it’s been great! But, the last 2 days, there is no electricity at the airport at night in the game. The planes also do longer have lights. It’s completely dark and I can’t even see the aircraft at their gates. And it no longer provides a path showing where the aircraft is taxiing.

I am using an iPhone 16 Pro Max, iOS 18.2.1. See attached screenshots.

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Probably a blackout, happens a lot in these regions.

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But all the lights are working, except the aircraft lights and the airport lights. The planes aren’t even using lights to taxi in pitch black…

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Here is the apron with 3 planes taxiing. No lights except the taxi ways and runway.

I think Eco was joking :joy: Message the devs at Support@flyboys.games


It works. It’s just foggy


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