Concorde avilable from lhr

I just got my first ever concorde so does anyone want it? Ik its not that profitable but its cool for bragging rights…

Make it super profitable by selling it.

Its a bad idea. You can always get wollers. But unless your gonna spend a shed load of money to unlock concorde rhen dont. Its more about the bragging rights :joy: oh and the novelty i guess :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
But yea dont sell it.


I dont really need to because I have 3 million wollars at lhr and I am saving them for when the BA 744 or 772 come out(although 3 mill is more than enough)


Here are Reasons to sell it.

  1. It’s outrageously expensive you need to become a millionaire to buy or even mainan it.
  2. It’s Useless, it’s not profitable, I would before small maintenance sell it and exchange for 2 very profitable A380 or 4 A330s or 787s
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I see it mentioned a lot, leave it with 120 economy seats and you’ll be getting 4.5k on LHR to IAD, just a tip from someone who operates a couple of Concordes. :wink:


Yea its about how cool it is. Not about profit.

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I would sell It but I already have 3 mil wollars…

Nevermind I have 4.6 mill :sob:

Looks cool or not its horrible for profit, you need to know buy other aircraft, maintaining aircraft, and buying replacement incase I sell one of mine, I would sell it to get my 1.0 million back and invest in aircraft that are profitable and on the route that makes the most money.

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Now Im confused are we talking about my plane or just the concorde in general?

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Both your plane and the concorde in general.

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Where you can send it?

He probably sold it…

Here are the reasons NOT to sell it:

  1. One of only 2 L planes that can go from LHR to PRG
  2. Its sic
  3. Profit is overrated. Getting enough planes to maintain a Conc isn’t really that hard, ESPECIALLY at LHR. There’s only so much you can do with your Wollars after maxing an airport so might as well have something cool to waste them on lol.

I can send it to prg, mct, sxm, or iad if anyone wants(if nobody does then Ill send it)

I hope that make it clear for everybody

I can save IT and take to PRG

One depart a day

Oml the flight is 6 mins long :sob:

but alr Ill send

Want anything back?

No thanks I already got enough

Or when SXM is more profitable send it to SPLUK