
Nice, can’t wait for De-Icing!

For those who can’t wait, follow the discussion in the # ? ask-the-developer section on Discord.

I am waiting for more information on questions that others have asked and I’m interested in.


In my opinion, after some deliberation, It’s nice thing, and can be good instrument for game balancing.

For example, You can make contract’s only one way to get silver planes.
You can ask wait, how about user’s planes? And here we have answer. Depend from difficulty of contract’s, player owned planes can help gain more reputation, plus you can make that some type of planes can give you more reputation than other’s, plus you can it’s logically substantiate, like contractor like specific planes/type of planes (Yep, I talking about S planes).
So it’s will make player to have a diverse fleet of plane’s.

To make impossible to fast reuse aka farming easy contract’s for silver planes, it can be added cooldown for use contract.
Plus time limit for contract’s etc.
Plus it’s will be nice idea to make some planes 1 time buy for silver planes + W money (like 1 silver plane and 50000W), why? because now system make you unlock one plane forever, and then rebuy it for W money, and that in one moment you will have all planes opened, tonn of GP.
The main idea of ideal game balance it’s to make user to use all in game money, and to make constant turnover of ingame resources, so that I always have to feel small lack of money, silver planes etc, and make me want to make more contract’s to get this.
Plus make some very, very difficult contract to gain 1 specific planes, that can’t be unlocked by any other mean’s. And I mean not to unlock, namely 1 contract 1 plane.
So much idea’s in head and suggestion and so difficult them to organize.

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Just heard this morning. Contracts will not be in the next update but will follow shortly after LEJ is released.


Thanks! Any news you hear regarding Silver Planes? Or will it get delayed as well?

Nothing on silver planes. Testing phase coming soon so I will know more then.

That’s too bad about the contracts not in the next update. When is LEJ Airport release? I see graphic pictures of LEJ and testing pictures.

I am assuming the LEJ will have a new airport icon in the game menu?

No official time scale yet, bug fixes haven’t been posted and final testing has not commenced

Contracts were moved for another update. Same for AN-22

1.5.1 was released with the an 22 and contracts but I don’t see anything to do with them

1.5.1 is only a bug fix for Android users. Contracts and the AN-22 will come in another update, presumably another bug fix will be released for all once the Android issues are solved.

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The android bug was fixed but just now takes forever to load.

Apparently new destinations have been released alongside the bug fixes. Haven’t had anything about an update on iOS. Contracts and the AN-22 have definitely been moved to the next update.

Feedback site was updated Launched - Community feedback | Product Roadmap

Hi, quick question, is there a limit of contracts thats you cab buy with silver planes?
Or can you just keep buying them?

Til you crash your game lol. Not sure anyone has tried, but I’m $ure the dev$ would love your experiment$ to $ee how many you can buy with $ilver plane$…

I do not believe there is a limit. Although having the time to land them all maybe an issue. But I’ve never heard of one. The old system allowed larger fleets than is generally possible now.
I can check with the devs. But I’ve never heard of one