Just like the title
I hope its the 77F because the 77L+77E would come with it. But realistically it will probably be crj or 757 because the devs talked about it on stream and in the dev chat. Also, I think they should focus on finishing all the rework before anymore new airports, so we can get them all done and out of the way.
B767 was next on the list.
I might have been mistaken but I am not the developer team so I cannot confirm this.
The 767 is far from being next
As a player who has every airport except LEJ somewhere between International and maxed out, I really don’t want to see them halt development on new airports to finish the old planes. It’s really a big part of what keeps me playing is having an airport to finish.
It was my understanding that they were not going to add new planes until all planes were remodeled, so I highly doubt this is the case.
As far as I’m aware anyways, the next aircraft to be remodelled hasn’t been unveiled yet, so other than brief mentions of the CRJ and 757 most people seem to be under the impression it’s one of them.
Also I do find it amusing the 767 discussion comes up quite a bit now the A321 is in game, but was confirmed to be coming at some point in the 2.3 release stream alongside winglet and engine variants for it and the 757 when remodelled.
I agree, they seem to be getting the hang of modeling and painting, and I wouldn’t mind waiting on a new airport while they fix/adjust things that are still currently wrong with the game before introducing some new airport. Maybe pause on a new airport and update two models and fixes next update, or even introduce the new UI
But new airports can wait for a bit
This. I truly do not care about new airports rn, I just want to focus on existing ones. new/remodeled planes and ui changes/fixes are def my top wishes
If alliances were added and it added some gameplay potential to airports once they were maxed out I would 100% be down with not adding a new airport until December or so. That’s probably my #1 desire.
Given it’s already July, next airport in December seems realistic no matter what, unless it’s small, and it doesn’t sound like it will be
Unless the devs have teased something else in the discord, my understanding was their idea was 2 Large, 1 Small? I’m quite sick of these large airports personally…
I mean that was a rough idea for a while ago but since then they’ve been pretty firm about cpt and scl
Yeah but thats probably just to get all continents an airport then they will start adding smaller ones
Aw man I wished for GRU