Eco Aviation

Quite the introduction, but a quick reminder that connections requests even if wrapped up in a longer post should be going through the standard threads in the connections section

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:warning: Attention. :warning:
We are moving to the connection and co for future charter flights. The request to charter from the Eco aviation tab would be no longer active. Only questions and Assistance such as date change aircraft change updated details or any issues are allowed. We recommend that you Charter us from INN,BRI,PRG,MCT and SXM to Any WOA airport, IAD and NGO will begin in November. Charter us via the connection tab link here: Connections & Co - World of Airports forum

Innovative competition

Username vsb2001
Airports MCT & LEJ

Can you send the link…am not finding it.

Sure Connections & Co - World of Airports forum

I’m sorry you will have to charter us via the Connection tab

I am not finding this post in connection tab

Hi, did u get the post on the correct tab

The referenced thread started originally with the post below. It gives instructions on how to ask for connections and now contracts.


User id - vsb2001
Time zone - Gmt+5.30
Play times- Usually play all thru the day
WoA airports - MCT & SAN

Ready to charter #ecoaviation

We already told you If you want to charter us then go to the connection tab select a route and wait

:warning: Attention :warning:
If you could read this until the end it would be appreciated.
We are only 2 days away from Launching our Charter flights.
However some people don’t know where the connection tab is if you scroll up there will be a link that will take you to the connection tab.
To select a connection just post with my tag @Ecoaviation to request Charter flights and I will respond ASAP depending on some real life stuff.
The next thing I would talk about as in Late October Early November I am on a school trip to Barcelona for 4 days.
I don’t know the Aircraft but it will most likely be an A320 of Aer Lingus and until then I would not Relay or do Charter flights until then. Probably post the Flight in the Real life Screen share point.
Oh and 1 more thing I would like to talk about our lunch day.
So I planned it out on the 10th of September and would start on the 15th. However I think that was a bit on the tight side so I would be thinking. I could delay the launch until the 22nd of September due to how tight it is.
Do please let me know if I should Delay until the 22nd of September or keep the 15th of September launch day.
Further information about our October plans would be coming soon.
Thanks for reading :blush:

You are in the driver seat a.k.a. cockpit. Your decisions.

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The way you talk about it makes it sound fun lol😂
Keep up.

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:warning: Attention :warning:
Today is Launch day Exciting right?.:partying_face:
Before you get too excited there is some very Important announcements to make
Quick apologie: underneath is the quote that one of the player sent me

You can see it was a mistake where I said :“I only accept charter flights” wich I misspelled as I only offer charter flight the 2nd thing I said is:" …player flights waste a bunch of my slots…" which sounds too far. As a result this message has been edited.
The next thing I would like to talk about is I am thinking of accepting you aircraft arrivals which I was thinking about it and I don’t know if I want to do it. Soo what do you guys think. If enough people say do I will probably do it?
Now let’s get to the exciting part
We are planning to launch our Service at 21:00PM BST
Between 14:00PM BST and 18:00PM BST I will start assign aircraft to destination airport.
If you are planning to share pictures make sure you tag @Ecoaviation in the description.
Thanks for reading and see you there :blush:

:warning: Attention :warning:
Player flight from PRG to LEJ will be moved to the 16th as there is not enough demand and may change everything else will go as planned

15 minutes estimate until launch :blush: if your excited

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls
We are launching WOA first Charter airline. Eco Aviation owned by Skylines Aviation Group.


:warning: Attention :warning:
Looks like the first week of our service was a bit on the unsuccessful side due to low demand between PRG and LEJ I will keep checking the demand but until then services will be suspended due to low passanger demand between PRG and LEJ.

:warning: Attention :warning:
As you may know it is November which from November to January we have a lot of Charter services to other airlines.
You can still request a Charter from the Connections tab but we are limiting it from 10 in November and 5 in December due to lots of Chartering requests.
PRG to LEJ has currently been suspended due to low demand