IAD tips

Hi guys, I’m on level 22 on iad and not should what i should do. I have 42/53 contracts and it’s impossible to handle all of them during one gameplay since landing and taxiing is so damn slow. Is there any way to make it more efficient other than using 6% speed boost with tower control?
Also, I earn so much money I do not know how to use it. My airport is local and i’m unable to get any nice contracts (for L and X planes) and the only thing I do is buy stands which do not change a thing since I do not need more stands as it’s impossible to use them all at the same time and the same goes for the handling crew. I have 68 and use 50 at most. What do you do with the money?

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Even when I’m able to land all the planes, the stands are filled only half way since the first plane departs before the last planes land

You can always assign all available stand if you have enough contracts, even though they won’t be on the ground at the same time as you’ve found out. The issue with handling all the planes in a session spans all the airports, but is also a reflection of real life. The issue is that the planes land and taxi similar to real life speeds, but they fly and get handled at 3x speed or more. If you want to fill the airport, you can land them all and wait to start the handling until the airport is full to your desire. Also once you upgrade the airport to two stars and then three, you can buy the nicer L and X contracts without silver planes.

If you want to level up faster, get player contracts, if you want to use the cash, get a fleet

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It would be cool if both runaways could be used for both landing and take off

First, in this stage, if you intend to progress fast, only have B752 contracts due to higher rewards (and any L/X reward contracts if you have).

Then, when you reach [Regional] stage, I suppose you to invest more into cargo side of the airport. Cargo planes generally have more rewards than passenger planes. You may also wish to have transcontinental widebodies, I think they are also under the [Regional] category.

You should be able to progress fast to [International], now in IAD I have no S and M contracts to optimize runway efficiency.

would recommend a350s (if u have it unlocked) 777s and 744s, they give a high amount of money while being pretty cheap

IAD will not be upgraded to Regional until Lv28, so by that time we can only sign S/M contracts, which generates XP really slow. What’s your stratagy at Local stage may I ask?

And by having no S/M contracts you mean cancelling them all after upgrading to Regional?

I unlocked IAD in 1.0 version so things were quite different when I start IAD in 2.0, basically I have so many international arrivals which would not be available for you at the [Local] stage unless you pay some silver planes for that.

If you start IAD from scratch, I recommend you to only have B752 (Boeing 757-200) contracts from US big threes (American, Delta, United). They are all marked [Local] airlines as their bases are in IAD (in the game preset), B752s have the highest reward of XPs among all M contracts at this moment. Things might be different when next version is available as A321neo (A21N) would be the best I assume, but stick to B752 right now.

To progress fast, you should only have contracts with this single aircraft type (it might make things a bit boring but that is the trade-off), don’t get anything else, some rewards of widebodies and cargo planes are good choices for you(cargo planes come with higher reward than their passenger counterpart). If you are happy to spend some silver planes (depending on whether you believe it is worthwhile), I recommend you to have A124 contracts as they can earn the most XPs for you (click on X+Cargo in contract search page to make things easier), you can check the contract page to have a better understanding on this.

The distance is not a matter to you if you only think about getting more XPs (so you can get contracts with shorter distance thus shorter flight time to handle them multiple times when you play and progress even faster).

I gradually cancel them before and after the airport reaches [International] (starting from that moment you can convert this airport to a silver plane mining spot), there are very limited choices for you when you reach [Regional] (you can get these cargo planes but pax widebodies are not ideal options considering you have progressed on B752s a lot).

Thanks for the detailed suggestions. I just began the game this month and had recently unlocked IAD without spending a penny. There are not quite much discussions on this forum targeting starting up a 2.0 airport on this forum so I assume that most players are quite sophisticated about the game. Anyway thanks for your kind reply and I’ll definitely give it a try.

@EOS9D HI ! if you leave me your ID I will send you some B752 of PRG :+1:

That’d be great mate! The ID is EOS9D, the same to my forum nickname😎

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@Shadownik87 Hi, I’m moving on to PRG so I’m afraid I can’t handle your B752s at IAD for some time.

@EOS9D No problem :+1: As soon as I have the opportunity I will send you some planes to PRG :+1:

For anyone reading this thread wanting to level up faster: you can get X and L contracts from Players.

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Getting player contracts is the way to levelling up fast.

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The layout of PRG looks weird, so I have decided to switch to NGO. You’re welcomed to send large birds there… :smile:

strange in what way? :thinking: at the moment I don’t have planes for NGOs. but as soon as I have something I will send them to you!!! :+1:

What do we do for the aircraft managed by PRG? do you manage it anyway? :+1:

I don’t have any player contracts now as I’ve cancled them all…

The runway extends so long which makes the taxing process long as well. And I can’t find a comfortable angle to inspect the whole field as some corridor building block my view.

Also maybe it’s the good and neat design of IAD that makes PRG a bit of strange to me…

NGO is a one-runway airport too but I can comfortably inspect the whold field from runway camera so I decided to max out this one :slightly_smiling_face:

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