Happy Birthday BA
Wait? It’s BA’s Birthday?
Yes and no, it was their actual 50th anniversary yesterday, but the management seem to think they turned 100 in 2019 because of the way BA came to be from the merger of a load of other airlines and their origins
So real would be like the AN225 contract at IAD
Hence the retro 747 and a319 liveries
Is it the China Airlines A350?
Welcome to Hell!
Millions of passengers already angry because of it.
This last picture i sent to the Devs before makeing this.
Yes, it is the only non uk airline in the frame
Quick question: where was the 3 A380s heading to? I bet there going to AWA players
The two in the bottom picture are AWA but the one on the first picture is not.
Line of Tail after tail after tail at T4
And an army of irish leprechauns for the week (probably made British people mad😆)
2 classic Eco Aircraft today along with Smoky Joe, an army of @Helpfulwyvern345 and an invasion by the Irish (British better brace themselves )
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: INN - sharepoint
Wow bro How did you catch this pic