News! - Closed

Somewhat yeah, only thing I can’t reset is SP, but the other stuff will be from beginning, 0 GP, the standard 10k, and no planes (hence why my fleet was liquidated)

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Why this severe action? You are up to another half year of slow build ups of airports. Or do you take SXM as INN in 1.0 and start progressing with new airports from there?

Hi good WoAns long time not seen,

My humble recommendation is to at least reset INN or check SXM first for new mechanics - with all being already developed or tons of money i hardly thing its even possible to appriciate the hard work.



Probably gonna do it in a different order but yeah I just want to get a full feeling of the game, and I have nothing better to do
My current planned order is

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Welcome back.


Do you have an other device to start 2.0 from scratch on a fresh account?

Other than using an emulator
Plus it’s already too late, I reset all of my airports last night

News story coming soon, just need images (may use something from the screenshot comp thread if that does revive, if not I’ll either make something or grab one from a SharePoint)

Ok this is a long read but new news!


New story! Today is about contract limits

How do you make this?

New meme creator mobile app


Wait a second… I don’t think the FAA has jurisdiction over Sint Maarten… :joy:

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Well who does cause I don’t know

Oh I don’t know, I’m just messing around. I’m not sure if the Netherlands has an aviation authority like the FAA :man_shrugging:

They have.

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I also think the French have a say in it too

Interesting, that would make sense since they share the island.

Updated it