NGO - Bug Reports (for airport infrastructure and handling)


Is there any reason why it is not possible to control (select and/or un select) the arrivals from Kochi Airport in M category at NGO scenario?

Bug in NGO, AA 747 from SLC with a DL flight number

It very often happens that a plane stops at the cargo terminal and don’t move for a long time:

After a long long while it continues to move. I have not found a patter to explain under which circumstances they stop moving and when they continue.

It always happens at the same two positons

They are waiting for end of push plane from stand

@Konradoss16 as you see on the first picture, the plane is the first in the lane and no other plan could push back (otherwise they would collide). The same situation is on the second picture but there’s no other plane that could push back.
If the first two planes on the fourth picutre would wait for the parked plane for pushing back, why is the plane not pushing back? There was no movement on the screen for many minutes.

I play NGO a lot and from my experience:

  • first photo: planes on right taxi wait for planes from left. They wait for clear runway.
  • second photo is the same situation as above. One plane is on intersection
  • third photo: planes wait for clear taxi even if half of it is empty. This is a bug but I used to it

Thanks for your reply!

Picture 1: The plane, that blocks the traffic, is the left one with the blue halo. The right one only waits that the left moves. I don’t see a reason, why it doesn’t move into the stand. No other plane ahead or crossing. The plane in the stand can’t move back because the blue-halo plane is already behind it.

Picture 2: Here I don’t get your point why the 777F is not moving. Here’s also no other plane around that blocks it from move into the stand: Nothing ahead, nothing on the left and nothing on the right.

Picture 4 (I think you meant my 4th picture when you mentioned 3): Your explaination is also not clear to me. Plane 1 is not done with freight loading and is not due for departing. But 2 waits and doesn’t move although there’s no other plane in sight. Plane 3 is blocked by 2. In the meantime I can’t remeber the status of 4 - could be, that this plane was waiting for pushback and wasn’t moving because of 3. But I don’t believe so, otherwise I hadn’t marked the situation on the picture. Also in other airport scenarios 5 wouldn’t wait so far away.

Another example: Plane 1 stopped moving until plane 2 moved onto the runway

Please help, who can unknot us?