These planes block each other and can only be solved by leaving the airport and start it again.
I have the same problem when aircraft push back with another taxiing, and aircraft getting stuck on intersections. Not experienced this one yet
Happened today two times in just a few minutes. Every time jump out and in and the planes that have already landed needed to land again. This bug seems never to end.
I’ve also got an M stand that sometimes just decides to not do anything. No planes are blocking it though. It just doesn’t want to taxi out of it’s stand.
That’s a problem I frequently encounter myself, when the aircraft does pushback it then blocks the taxiway and won’t move
In this case tho it never gets pushed back. The taxiway was also never blocked. It just sits at the gate, never getting pushed back. Gotta go to main menu to resolve it.
Gate 19 has long been a problem still not right. 17 can be fun when a plane just sits there for 5 minutes and then randomly decides to pull into the gate.
Yes, just had this today
Minutes later
A few minutes later
The C130 inspired the B747 to taxi to the gate
Ich bin nicht sicher, ob das jetzt noch passiert. Als ich NGO heute morgen spielte, ist es nicht ein Mal vorgekommen. Das heißt trotz allem nicht, dass es wieder passieren könnte.
Übrigens hättest du mir mal sagen können, dass du connections auf den Kurzstrecken brauchst. Du hast mir eine Anfrage geschickt und ich hatte akzeptiert. Deshalb hatte ich dir schon mehrmals eine komplette Flotte (5 S und 5 M) nach PRG (von BRI) und nach INN (von PRG) geschickt. Aber jedesmal kamen sie “unbehandelt” zurück.