Today I went to WOA and saw that there was no event, does anyone know why?
Day 20/05.
There were events for 20th may, as far as I know (but I’m currently on night shift and forget days and times)
in my time zone it is already the 21st and I am missing events. I’m sure it’s an oversight and they will be added later.
The events (according to the devs) run semi-automatically and can be customised with e.g. anniversaries if necessary.
Maybe the system also had a bug and it was not a “human error”
Yesterday, there was a bug making multiple dhc events appear on the wrong continents. Today there are no events, my guess is these are correlated and they are fixing that bug or something
Yeah same here there ain’t any events
They should be there now
At IAD there was an event; Silver air AT46 from MIA. I believe there were others as well.
A dhc6 flying from canada to germany
Guys there are no events today either
There are, Discover A332 and FDA E175 at BRI and NGO respectively. They are on the Instagram but not in game.
Yesterday only one plane showed up for the daily event. Today no plane showed up for the event. Is this normal?
Also how often do special liveries show up? In the daily events i had already some special liveries i already handled, but some planes seem to never sho up. Any ideas?
No, it is not normal. The last day with only 1 event was in April, and there has not been a day without at least 1 event since 2.0, until today
I will say the devs are working heavily on SYD right now. Testing is going well and we’ve found a number of bugs that are in the process of, or may have been fixed already. So that might be a temporary reason for limited number of event aircraft.
Is SYD in beta? Or is it still in alpha testing?
Is there anything you can say re timing or what remains in testing?
As much as I want SYD, I would wait another month or two if it meant the game would come with absolutely no bugs, and most if not all of the previewed features and new liveries.
Wouldn’t want another LHR situation
You are never going to get a game this complex without bugs, can you limit them, yes and that the process that takes place before it’s released, but just like any test environment you cannot legislate for every possible version of game play, so what you are asking for is impossible.
There will be features previously announced in the SYD update, but I need to remind everyone. This is a small team, they can only do so much each time, otherwise there would never be updates (here’s looking at you UATC)