Old event contracts

I was hoping one day I can collect a complete set of special liveries in a single airport, so I usually save the event contracts for this goal. Now I realise that’s no longer possible for Emirates Expo 2000 B77W series. There used too be green, blue and yellow versions. After the recent update, only yellow remains. Initially I thought green and blue versions are just removed from the WoApedia but the contracts at the airports will stay there. It turned out that the blue version in MCT is now being changed automatically to the yellow version.

Same happens to the green version as well as the 50th Anniversary livery of Emirates at PRG. The former becomes a yellow version, while the latter now becomes an ordinary Emirates 77W.

I don’t know if anyone is doing the same thing (saving the event contracts so that they can be processed in one go at a later time). I hope the devs understand there are some players do this and hopefully issue a notice before removing certain planes or liveries from the game.


Lucky I handled the blue one before!

Tbh I think it’s a glitch because idk why they would only keep one colour


Takes time to paint livs

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The green and blue ones are temporarily taken down due to incompatibility with 50th. I estimate that this issue will be resolved later.



Well thats a shame, got the blue one though, thats fine.

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I mean it’s okay to remove planes from the game, but it would be much better if advanced notice could be given to players.