One B738 available from NGO

Guys I have one b738 available from Nagoya it can reach to your BKK

If anyone wants it let me know…

I am not a regular player but I handle the planes Time to time ,Let me know if anyone wants it


This is a post about connections, what does this comment add to it??? Post it somewhere else.

Otherwise @Aviation56 I’ll take the B738 to BKK, I’d is Siarato1


What exactly is the point of this post. Zero contribution to the thread here and has zero relevance…

As I said to the person who got a silencing the other day for making a poorly thought out post, please think about your post before posting it.


I don’t care if it was sarcasm or not, there’s no need for it. The post you made is pointless, and has nothing to do with the original posters desire to send their B738 to somebody. It’s a connections thread, need I explain more…


And? As ukplanespotter said already there was no reason for responding with something completely unrelated. There is a reason we have different threads for different conversations. READ THE ROOM :person_facepalming:

Anyway @Aviation56 I can send you an a318 to your NGO if you provide your username


Thank you
My username is SageDeck187


Sarcasm about crashes (and technically deaths) mate, whats wrong with people these days.


excalty people are posting offesnvie content these days I think @ukplanespotter757 should start termpaory banning them becuase this is getting way out of control

1 Like
  1. Once again you’re mentioning something already solved, he deleted his post and Uk already responded to it. Only reason I responded was because I had a plane to send him.

  2. I don’t think this calls for an immediate time out but yes if the user does something like it again it could be considered. As long as it’s not something like polish aviator

Let’s go ahead and end the conversation or @ukplanespotter757 can close it as the original poster already sent his plane