I am only 1GP away from PRG, but I am wondering whether I should hold out just a bit longer to get NGO if it is a better return on grinding?
I’m not planning to put any $ into the game until I am working again
I would advise you to hold for Nag, you can get different liveries there, couple of good planes too and it is a big airport than prg.Prg is too expensive too.
But if you want IAD get Prague level it and get IAD for free using prg
BKK, SYD and NGO are some easier airports because you can get a lot of M-size local contracts with 500+ profit. You even have chance to get free B748F local contracts at NGO.
If you can wait a bit longer, you can unlock BKK which is the most efficient among the three I have mentioned because of its 3 runways for landing. But if you have to choose one among PRG, BRI and NGO, go for NGO.
Wow - great write up thank you!
Thanks for your insight
I personally consider purchasing airports a waste of GP. You can get all airports for free by reaching the required levels. GP is much better spent on Premium Passes (free handling crew, contract slots, planes, and wollars!) to help you upgrade airports faster or unlocking planes (which you can then send to players and these earn you significantly more than AI contracts or contracts form other players.
If you really feel like unlocking a new airport, here are the ones I recommend:
MSY – if you grind an airport you might as well grind the most recent one, which will also be where the next airport (expected to be GRU) will be unlocked from. Allows you to join in on the new airport hype whenever the next one comes!
BKK – this is, in my opinion, the best airport for grinding SP to convert to GP In the game. The three runways for landing make the airport extremely smooth to play and it has a ton of stands and contract slots. In addition, if you get into fleet building it can reach every playable airport in game except for INN and SXM (These aren’t in high demand for player contracts due to their small size and lack of large plane stands). You are also reasonably close to the end of the recently released airports so you should be able to get to GRU by the time it is released or soon thereafter!
Those are probably the only airports I would purchase with GP if I was to spend GP on airports.