I already made a list for PRG, INN, IAD, SAN, and NGO, which I accidentally doubled up as it is with Krakenwart and someone else I think. I appreciate the effort! Unfortunately, we’d already scrounged those together and they’re based off all sources (several websites, FR24, FlightAware, etc.).
I don’t mean this as a slight or discouragement, just for your reference so you know incase you decide to do the work for another airport or more for these.
Mine (for topics mods let me keep separate) were titled “____ realistic contracts” or similar. As for the others, they ended up as comments in the missing airports/airlines threads. I even tried to get gate assignments nailed down later on. See below for links. Cheers!
See below for realistic contracts that fly in and out of INN. Please note a lot of the Eurowings were labeled as charter flights. As usual, I’ll continue to update it as I see other flights, and especially for any cargo. Data sources were FlightRadar24, flightsfrom.com , and flightmapper.net
Austria :
Austrian E195/A320
Belgium :
TUI Fly E190
Transavia B737/B738
Denmark :
Eurowings A320
Finland :
Finnair A319/A320
Following suit for other airports, I wanted to compile a list of routes and airlines that actually fly into PRG. I love realism and this helped me a lot. I tried to format it as best I could on the Notes app on my iPhone, so I apologize if it’s hard to decipher. It’s in alphabetical order by country, then airport, then airline. I had anything that is not available in game (be that an airport, airline, or aircraft) is underlined, but the formatting didn’t carry over. I also annotated which termin…
Just as I did for PRG and INN, here is an extensive list of all the contracts I could find that fly into/out of IAD in real life. With a list this size there is for sure mistakes or missing contracts, so any help is welcome! Also, despite using 3 sources (flightsfrom.com , flightmapper.net , and FR24), I noticed there are deficiencies. For example, United seems to use all their 737s interchangeably on most routes, and many airlines alter aircraft frequently from what was scheduled. Hopefully this …
Same list, different airport, this time San Diego! I also worked to include gate assignments as well. I know the gates don’t line up with real life, but as far as I know, a SAN rework is out of the question (maybe that will change once they complete their new terminal).
As usual, I do my best, but updates will need to be made. Anything not available for the contract in-game will be bolded.
SAN Contracts IRL:
Gate assignments IRL:
1-5: Construction of new terminal
5-15 (S/M): …
Gate assignments preliminary
Started NGO yesterday and Decided to pump out the IRL contracts for your benefit and my own of course. For some reason, either local security measures or terrain effects (lack of ADS-B data even?) prevents me from seeing which gates flights departed from or arrived to. I can slowly sift through different sources I suppose but it’ll be slow to update. Please let me know if anything jumps out as wrong or you see it’s missing. As usual, items which are missing in-game …