Hey, since i like to play as realistically as possible i created an excel document with real flight routes for SYD, NGO and BKK. I got all the data from Flightradar24. Decided to share it with you, as i saw that some of you like to play the game the same way as me. Hope that you find this document helpful. In future i will probably add routes for other playable airports like SAN and MCT. Just to mention, I copied flight routes data for SYD from Krankenwart.
Can you do for all playable airport?
Maybe in the future yes, it takes a lot of time especially with larger airports. Which airport would you like to have it first?
Can you just tell me if you have access to the document?
I already made a list for PRG, INN, IAD, SAN, and NGO, which I accidentally doubled up as it is with Krakenwart and someone else I think. I appreciate the effort! Unfortunately, we’d already scrounged those together and they’re based off all sources (several websites, FR24, FlightAware, etc.).
I don’t mean this as a slight or discouragement, just for your reference so you know incase you decide to do the work for another airport or more for these.
Mine (for topics mods let me keep separate) were titled “____ realistic contracts” or similar. As for the others, they ended up as comments in the missing airports/airlines threads. I even tried to get gate assignments nailed down later on. See below for links. Cheers!
Ohh I havent seen all these topics. I remember seeing list of routes for LHR so it would be nice if all the data would be put together in the same topic so it’s easier finding them. Since all the playable airports are covered I won’t be doing routes for them again.
So the only useful thing that I made is the list of routes for Bangkok which is coming soon.
Can I request any accurate airline contracts for the upcoming airport - BKK? Several airlines served this airport.
I haven’t done any for BKK so far, I haven’t even used the one from SYD any more, as I have made contracts directly via FR24 on a more or less daily basis.
I last saved a list where someone had designed a kind of programme and the data was automatically saved in an Excel file. But this has not been updated since the spring. Unfortunately I don’t remember who did it and I hope I understood it correctly.
I would, but I only make the lists for airports I have so far, which I don’t have LHR or SYD (or BRI or MCT but eh).
I use flightsfrom(dot)com. It’s a quality list, gives you equipment, frequency and times.
Seeing that the new UI allows for manual flight nr changes I made a similar list myself and are now adding realistic flight nrs to it. Also easier to identify whether or not a route is still active.
And of course my wife now tells me I am a nerd to do that
can you also do for new airport (MSY)?
Glad I’m not the only one with realistic flights. I just use FR24 mainly.
Can I ask you where do you get all the data? especially for freighter flies.
Flightmapper.net and FR24 are the only good options to see cargo flights, and FR24 is the only option if it’s not a regularly scheduled flight.
It’s challenging to find scheduled cargo routes since cargo operations often include both fixed schedules and ad hoc flights.
However, I successfully created an Excel sheet with 19,000 rows, allowing me to use Python to identify many passenger flights departing from the target airport. This data includes flight numbers, aircraft types, and frequencies.
It should also be mentioned that some long haul flights and most scheduled cargo flights use a fuel stop and/or perform a triangle route between 3 or more airports, so some flights may only be an arrival from one airport but departure to another.
Scraping both inbound and outbound flight data would indeed provide a rough estimate of cargo destinations and the types of aircraft used, making it possible to analyze realistic cargo traffic patterns.
Has anyone developed a fast and automated method to scrape data from i.e. Leipzig Halle Airport (LEJ/EDDP) | Arrivals, Departures & Routes | Flightradar24?
Anyone have something Like it but MCT?
I wish I was that gifted at programming. The best I could probably come up with after too much Google and YouTube would be a live data sheet uploading to MS Excel where it could be parsed and filtered, but again, I’m nowhere near that level. I wish I was as it’d save a lot of effort for me creating the routes lists.
I’m not particularly gifted either. I let ChatGPT generate the Python scripts for me, and when they don’t work, I just acknowledge that they don’t. The first time I tried using it, I had to ask how to install Python.
I’m not a huge fan of AI because it can infringe on copyrights, but when you use it to create a script based on your own idea, I don’t see it as violating any copyrights.