Progress log - 22.03.2020
Release: 1.1.10 internal build code 1.24.10
Deployed: 22.03.2020
- BRI - L-stands planes occasionaly were stuck for some players
- Handling timer’s (time was running to fast)
- WoA website - statistics are removed
- Community Feedback Portal (CFP) - introduced
New features:
- PRG: 2x L/XL 3x M CARGO stands introduced
- B747 Cargo XL-size
- Air Cargo Global (livery)
- Cargolux (livery)
- B737 Cargo M-size
- Cargoair (livery)
- Bluebird Cargo (livery)
Moved to following release:
- Maintenance (necessity to perform A/B/C/D maintenance after certain milage)