
Hey guys!
I am looking for a website, similar to “flightsfrom”, which searches all flight routes for airports, but shows directly which aircraft models are used. Flightsfrom does a similar thing, but you can only filter for e.g. A320 models (and quite inaccurately), but not for specific models like the A21N. I just want to make it easier to search for realistic airports in WOA.

Do you know of anything like this?

Normally in situations like this, I search up the route I’m looking at on Flightradar24 and then scroll through a few of the different flight numbers on different days to see what aircraft type/family operates the route more often than others


OK, I have found a way, similarly tedious but a different approach.

I thought to myself, flightradar24 has all the data, why can’t you see it listed? And indeed, you can use a map to see which routes are available from LHR, for example. If you click on it, you can see the latest flights, including the model. Slightly more convenient than flightsfrom, but still not optimal. Someone might be interested.

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I used to do that too. On the smartphone it was fine, but the constant switching between WOA and FR24 was annoying, and on Windows I could never get what I wanted to see, the display is somehow different. Or perhaps I’m just too stupid.

Here are all arrivals for all playable airports from 1. to 30. of April.

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How the hell do you generate these lists? That’s awesome! It’s hard to believe you did that yourself

I copied the arrivals each day and then used a bit of code to make it sorted :slight

That makes me feel ridiculous with my lists