Runway utilization & other suggestions

This isn’t Airline Manager or Airline Commander, it’s about building your own fleet and managing specific airports. Very different concept.

Real world timing wouldn’t work for 90% of players myself included, same with the peak times. If I can’t play at 5.30pm or 11pm for a Cargo bank it kind of spoils the effect.

I get what you are saying, but as the saying goes, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Most posts I see are wanting faster gameplay not slower. This game is designed around throughput of aircraft. That’s why you only get 20 servicing items for 90+ gates in IAD, unless you screw up, you rarely hit the limit anyway.

WOA is not perfect, but what it is. Is a great balance of gameplay could they speed up arrivals to help fill up the gates Sure. Could they add more servicing items, Sure. And they may do that one day. But the devs have figured out the algorithms to make it work on a reasonable basis for most people and there is a hell of a lot of development still to come. Maybe then they can make tweaks to the gameplay to allow more flexibility, but for now, this is it and as long as you accept it for the way it is. WOA is a most excellent game, one of the best I’ve ever played to be honest.


100% agree with this, though I heard the saying is “if it isn’t broken, fix it until it is”

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I should use that at work. It’s very fitting.