S and M planes to SAN, IAD, or LHR

I have a few M and S planes at SXM, able to reach SAN, IAD, or LHR.
If anyone is interested please drop your ign and airport you’d like me to send them to below.
I will also accept S planes to SXM
IGN: teddythefire

I’ll take some to LHR

Ok. Sending some over.

I’ll accept it later today, do you want a A300 from my LHR I’ll probably buy it this weekend?

Hey bro i am playing at san, one depart everyday
Send something my way if you want
IGN : DarkLeopard93924

Sure! That would be great.

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Sent to SAN!

Accepting right now, cant wait to see it

Are you accepting bigger planes planes or S only?

I’ll take bigger planes. Eco is sending me a A300. Anything is appreciated.

yeah ill get you something too i guess later

Hello, interday game in LHR, you can send me some planes if you want, my username is aguajet26