Screenshot competition

Is it done?

Submissions have ended but voting will still go until midnight Mountain Standard Time

It’s already been 6 days and it’s still open?

Nah, my forgetful beep forgot about this

Well boys (and girls if there are any)
We have two ties
Firstly a three way tie for 3rd


And @Mr_Jangle

  • Sam J
  • Andrisomethingoranother
  • Mistuh Jangle
0 voters

And a two way tie for third

And @Pizza_711

  • Aero Azul (aero blue for those unable to read Spanish)
  • A 7/11 pizza
0 voters

Polls end in 24 hours, only these votes will count towards the tiebreaker and no further votes on the posts will count

  1. Competition is closed
  2. Cinematic aren’t allowed in this screenshot competition

  1. the competition is still closed
  2. Only one image per person

The tiebreakers have ended
And for 1st place, @andridjuhri has won, although only by one vote to the other two (own votes do not count)

And for 2nd place, we have @Helpfulwyvern345

And in 3rd,we have @AeroBlue

Please message @TomMordon to claim your rewards

Now, I feel I should re-itterate the rules

No more than one screenshot per person
The screenshot must follow the prompt
Be respectful (shouldn’t have issues with this)
The winners are determined by the community, whoever’s post has the most :heart: 's wins

Now, for a new month

Spring still hasn’ t come, but that doesn’t stop us from having fun! So with that, airlines are now starting to fly vacational routes again. This month’s competition will require an airline, just any airline

TLDR: I have no ideas so you get another free month
Any airport is open to this


1st with 3 golden planes
2nd with 2 golden planes
And 3rd with 1 golden plane

Now good luck! Submissions close the 31st, voting ends 24hrs after that.


I’ll kick things off this month with some cargo action at leipzig


This man loves his cargo planes

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Ha…. You should see the other side of the airport. … a sea of yellow!!! Ha

Lots of 757s plus I think 1 737F

I can’t recall @Ecoaviation I think it was all 757’s


SAS ATR: hey why you squeezed me between the 2 TUI airways aircraft?

Ground Tower Management: random stand selection my friend

Never use Ground Tower Management to squeeze a small aircraft.

Not a rant (no offence)


Imagine if Geoff Marshall said this:

Secrets of the Heathrow Express today: Heathrow is Flooded
I really hope I didn’t anger any holiday makers as they would probably take the ship or the Train after what I have done. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::yum:


Big boy

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