Screenshot competition

I bring you the first monthly screenshot competition for the month of May!

This competition will follow a certain set of rules and they will be as follows (you can return to this post to see them):
The screenshot must follow the set theme for that month (will be posted with each announcement for that months competition)
They must follow the airport as well
Screenshots cannot be posted twice
Captions are allowed for the pictures
Voter rules!
You can vote in any photo and on as many as you want, if you like them all, vote on them all!

Now for this month’s theme
Anything! This theme will come rarely when I have no idea what theme to do, since it’s the first month I’ll put it as that to ease everyone into the themes

Winners be counted by how many :heart:’s there are on their message
Voting will end on May 31st at midnight and winner will be announced the day after

Good luck and have fun!

This was approved by @carlsberg72 so don’t freak out


My entrance, the moon rising over a busy Leipzig


Hi, my entrance is from Leipzig too. I called it: “Leaving winter behind”


Two queens of the sky trading places at LEJ

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Bumping this thread, don’t forget to put your entrance

Yet again, don’t forget to submit your image! I see yall just voting and not submitting cough

Let’s see if this can be revived…

I name this, ‘Sunrise Landing’.


yall, post pictures, the end of the month is coming up and I’m gonna announce a winner shortly

Final five days! Submit your images!

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Only one please.

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I have a suggestion for next month screenshot competition.

A F14 in full flight!

I have been trying like hell to get a decent screenshot, but it is very difficult (and at the same time interesting) to get a good picture with all the different angles and camerapositions.

Would love to see the efforts of my fellow players.


Yeah that’s a good idea, I know my plan was to do something with the F14 so I’ll wait till the end of the month and announce the next challenge


I FORGOT TO END THIS! the current theme is DONE! The winner be announced by tomorrow at the latest, I got stuff to do so it won’t be now

And the winner isssssss
With his entrance of “leaving winter behind”

The next competition will start now
Theme is: top gun
Airport is: san diego
Goal for this competition: get a good shot of the F14 at SAN Diego buzzing the tower, the community will decide which is the best image, may the best one win!



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