Hi guys, new player here. I just unlocked the premium pass for INN and I unlocked a bunch of planes.
Does anyone accept them? Or are any of these useless? Do I need to sell them?
1xSF34 (sold)
1xDHC6 (sold)
Configure seating in M planes (In S ones you don’t need to) and check profit for flight and see is it good enough for you. In my opinion SF34, DHC6 should be sold definitely because of horrible earnings other ones depends on you. If any more questions just feel free to send me private message 
If you want to send something from them to me you can send to my BRI or MCT user is DarkLeopard93924
Thank Xantri. I sold DHC6 and SF34 as suggested. I sent to BRI my E190 just to see how it works. This is my first player contract after all 
I’ll write private message to you and explain everything maybe as its your firsth contract
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Alevar3 as my username here 
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Request sent from PRG.
I can have a S or M plane from you, if you still have some.