Sending Planes from IAD

:flight_departure: :flight_departure: :flight_departure:

M Pax and M/L/X cargo are available, I have a war chest of Wollars and I’m looking to help folks out and migrate my contracts over to player only in the process. I can hit nearly anywhere including BKK and SYD.

I play on West coast daily, and I’ll check this thread regularly to compete any requests… happy to send up to 3 at a time to the location of your choosing, let’s go!

Feb 8th Update: Big thanks to the new friends made in this thread I have converted over 300 (!) planes to player contracts! I won’t be sending new L/X for a while to ensure good contract turn around with my existing connections. M planes are available for MSY/SXM/SAN and I purchase 4 contracts every 2d religiously so I’ll continue to service this thread ASAP!

I’ll be sending as: AeroApollo


I could take 3L cargo to LEJ username is Siarato1

I can take anything at MSY
User is youngkosta95

I can use any M Planes in MSY

User is GooeyYak158

Just starting out so would be I would be grateful for some X planes to PRG.
My username is. Bouncydog.

Thanks in advance

I will take 2x L PAX to BRI
ID = MHJHero

Orders Pending

Sent: 3 L Cargo to LEJ, sent 4 M pax to Kosta MSY, 4 M to CDJP8s MSY, 2 L to BRI

Awaiting acceptance!

Oops I went to send yours and name is invalid, can you check your player name?

Thanks. The only other name I can think of is Tvsarah.
Thanks for trying. :smiley:

That was it! Sent.

P.s. contact the devs by email and they will change your username (if you want). I changed mine this way.

Many thanks AeroApollo, I have added to active contracts and look forward to doing a rapid turnaround when they arrive. I’ve only got medium planes, I don’t think they have the range to return the favour.


If you have any smaller L’s that can reach MSY I can take them
Same as my forum name and I am mountain timezone

Happy to help! No need to send planes my way if Wollars still matter for you there is more profit to be made elsewhere

Sent two 789 but could also send 788’s if you want (smallest I have)

Just the two is fine, I’ve accepted them, thank you

thanks for sending some planes to my airport @AeroApollo I am about to land ur planes at my SYD airport for the first time:)

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Happy to help! I have plenty more planes to send if anyone needs. X and L’s, many many M’s looking for a new home!

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I can receive some cargo planes at lej, if you want.


I can also take any L/X aircraft pax or freight to MSY

If you have any in range to BKK id like some L aircraft . ign kaseyap