Should I reset my game?

Hi all,

It’s been a while since my last post, about being a new player and reaching Bari on the Innsbruck Flight Pass. I took a long break from this game and gaming in general, and I finally made it to Bari, but at what cost? Yes, I made another terrible financial decision, after blowing golden planes on equipment at Innsbruck because of my mistake of buying too many stands, after buying Sint Maarten, and then early unlocking Bari. I haven’t spent a dime yet, but considering the amount of GP I spent, I probably could have bought IAD or LHR by now if I never spent all those Golden Planes.

Should I just get a fresh start or keep going? I think I can reset my game if I contact support.


I mean if you have Bari and sxm already just play those 2 and progress from there.


I’d say this is your decision and you should do what you want. I’d say continue playing and get to 10k silver Planes and unlock IAD which I think is about 16 GP. What I did is play INN until I got 4 GP from progression and played SXM instead of bari as SXM can handle X planes too. Than I got 10k SP and converted it to GP to buy IAD. IAD makes you a bunch of money and SP which I continued to convert to get most if the airports I wanted and then started to build a fleet. Both options are good and it depends on what you want.

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I’ve decided to keep going and to keep working with what I have. For SXM, and all airports in general, are player contracts the best way to make SP? For a while, I’ve just done AI contracts and claimed the SP from the daily rewards.


Note that in V2 you can’t start over. You’ve got what you got and the red restart button no longer exists


Oh yeah you can’t start over anymore. You might be able too if you sign in to another Game Center account

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Yep player contracts are the way to go. I’ll try and send you an aircraft from my iad soon

If you plan on sending one, my username on WOA is James_6517

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There’s no reason to reset. It’s not like you will get any benefit from that

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You should save up your gold airplanes for any new airport

Just keep going mate. Everyone plays the game differently. In the end you will eventually unlock enough airports and you start struggling to decide which plane to unlock with your gold.

I went on a similar path to you in the first 3 weeks of playing. I purchased wollars, SF34, SF34F and LEJ, but i put in some really life money there. Now I struggle to spend my gold on fleet planes now that i have unlocked all the airports and purchase most premium pass.