Starting PRG

I need some Tips for starting prg. I have 2 M and 1 X stand If you can help me I will be happy

First off all handling services to Max. For me at beginning money maker were M stands. Then L.

Yeah I invested a lot on handling but I couldnt disable s planes somehow. I disabled all s planes on arrivals tab but it didnt worked

It has to work. Could you send me Printscreen of one of routes where you blocked it?

It works but not immediately. It works when game is restarted.

Yes you are right. Worked a few hours later

Also how many handling services do I need to buy? They are expensive to me right now

First always stairs, tanker and luggage.

Ok and Can you recomend stands? I currently have 3 M 1 X

For me for beginning were M very important. Low cost and quite ok income.
Then L beacuse Prague has quite a lot of them.
And M and L routes are not such expensive as XL.

Thanks for the advice :+1:

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