Tower Agent question

Does anyone confirm?

Automate tower option is added or not…
Eg… u select automate option in one airport then you move to another

Till then first airport running automatically…

No? This was never even mentioned as to being a though in the devs minds?

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Not how it works. Time runs as it’s set to your games internal game clock. But your aircraft only run while you are playing the game. This is due to the way the logic of the game is set up and cannot be done the way you are thinking.
Devs have confirmed this to me and so if you use the tower and don’t play it on a particular airport you will lose it.


That’s my point
I use tower on one airport then I moved to another one…

So first one airport landing and departure work automatically…

Note- I saying work only I am in game not offline…

The other airports do not operate when you are in another airport.