I claimed the airplane reward at IAD for the 752 (not marked as IAD only). Can this subsequently be transferred to LHR (and if so how), or not because I accepted it at IAD please? Thanks
Yeah it can, just go to LHR, open the fleet tab and claim the aircraft as it’ll show up there. Same goes for any airport, just open the fleet tab and you’ll be able to claim the aircraft where ever you want it.
Hi @ukplanespotter757 - thanks for your reply. What I meant is that I accepted the reward at IAD, it shows in the fleet tab, I claimed it, and it now shows in the my fleet tab in IAD and flys for me from IAD. I was wondering though if given when the reward was given it wasn’t tied to IAD if that means I can move it (and how), or not anymore as I accepted and claimed it at IAD please? Thanks
Unfortunately its not possible to move from 1 airport to another, they used to have that feature developed but after 2.0 was released in July 2023 it turns out they haven’t released it.
This is a pic that I have on my device which was dated on 20th of December 2022.
Yeah, as @Ecoaviation said it’s not possible once you claim the aircraft, so it’s restricted to IAD now and you will only be able use it from there. If a feature to allow the movement of planes between airports will come in the future is yet to be seen.
oh wow no way - I wish I knew that sooner