Unlocking Liveries

Hi, I’m going through the list of liveries to unlock and wanting to try and unlock them all. I’ve noticed that some planes just aren’t available. The IndiGo AT76 and the Wideroe DH8A for example. I have all airports unlocked so I’ve searched through all the destinations for them and I can’t find them. Will they become available in future updates? I don’t mind waiting if they’re on the way, I just don’t like not being able to complete all the livery sets :rofl:

IndiGo AT76 at MCT (to AMD)
Wideroe DH8A at LHR (to BGO)


Have a look here. I’ll just say it’s currently impossible to complete woapedia (the max is 1412 collected liveries currently). Missing planes will be events and you’ll have to be patient


Thank you! I thought some would be events etc, I’m trying to be as patient as possible, I just get excited! I can’t view the Google doc unfortunately as it’s private, but I appreciate it.

Thank you! Of course I miss a couple destinations, there’s so many :rofl:

Try this one if you’re interested. Should also be the updated version and the one I was originally looking for (even though it’s private, you should be able to see it as it’s not mine and I can see it)


Thanks for the WoApedia guide… you obviously put a lot of work into compiling the list.

Your guide helped me with three liveries which I hadn’t found yet putting me at 1398. The rest which I am missing are all events or retired from WoApedia.

I thought I read that the B763F and B77LF from FedEx Europe were in the game but I have not been able to find them.

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Just to clear it up. It’s not my guide, but a guide made by arsuepic (and others) from Discord. See the Intro tab by who it’s made and who contributed.

As for the 2 FedEx Europe planes. They’re currently not obtainable. This should have already been made aware to the devs, so I am pretty certain you’ll be able to get them in the next update

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Yeah they said it was fixed but still it cannot be found. I’m pretty sure they also accidentally removed almost all SmartLynx destinations to LEJ

It’s possible they could be event liveries, and if they are the question is why are they? The Flybe Dash 8 was made an event when it shouldn’t have been in my eyes.

Still waiting for the Czech Air Force A319 and Oman Air force A319 and A320, are they event aircraft ? Or am I missing a contract for them?

Looks like my question was answered above, all are event planes hopefully will be soon, then I’ll complete the airbus family :grin: