What are these stands in BRI for?

Have seen these before but can’t understand what they’re for. The is also stand 312 next to T2 if you did a 180⁰ turn. These can’t seem to be used, so why are they there?

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Talked about this before, In real life these stands are private plane stands which are used to park private planes. But since there are no private planes in the game, those stands are useless.

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Shame… could maybe be for player aircraft?

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In a future update of course

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If the devs want to do it, they can do it.


It would be cool, and make use if the space


When they add private planes maybe a private gate option?

Bri doesn’t even handle L size in real life and x size isn’t in game at bri, be happy for what you have and stop wishing, they did it as close to real life as possible as well as adding the L stands


The devs implemented two L stands at Bari so that it gives players a feel and experience with L planes. (it has been explained before)

Think of the first few airports as learning the game

INN - training airport, S/M only with limited stands and 1 cargo
BRI- introducing L passenger (doesnt exist in real life but this is a game) more stands and 4 cargo S/M
PRG- friends of the devs in real life. Introduces X aircraft in a limited aspect and 2 L/X cargo
IAD- first 2 runway but a beast of an airport, 22 stands that can cater L aircraft, 20 of which can hold X. 7 L/X cargo and over 80+ stands total, but don’t open them all. It’s crazy lol.
NGO- single runway, but decent size L/X
SAN- basically PRG but In the US for connections
MCT- like IAD, but smaller cargo
LEJ- small passenger, but beast of a cargo airport. One of my favorites.


You need enough arrivals first lol, I’m constantly out and can’t fill them all for me

I made the fatal mistake of opening them all. Totally unmanageable for me. I ended up resetting the airport and starting from scratch

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How do I initiate flights berween INN and BRI? For th achievements?

To get the achievements, you’ll need to connect with another player and send your own planes (and handle their planes).

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