What does the new Insta Post mean?

Who are these guys the Devs are partnering with? And what does it mean for us and the game?
If anyone has any info please explain.


More info on Facebook underneath which means more airports and aircraft’s?


Right I accidently cut the description…but still dont understand what it means.

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It means that we might get more airport and aircraft models


I am not pretty sure but I suggest devs will have access to some of their resources.

In that case, it will significantly increase the speed of the development (such as new/revised aircrafts and new airports).

It will mostly just be used for the 3d models of AIRPORTS. No aircraft. We might get some nicer looking airports slightly faster


(Confirmed by Tom mordon in discord)

The background of the picture looks like Heathrow Terminal 5, could this be hinting something…?

One can only hope, guess more info about the partnership will be provided as time goes on, very interesting see where things go

Tom is correct, this will help speed up the modeling side of the airport creation and provide some extremely good graphics for the game, however a lot of the time in airport creation is the coding of the taxi paths, the runway paths, the game mechanics,the camera angles, all that sort of thing. So yes, it will be faster and easier to get the base modeling this route, but it won’t necessarily speed up the whole process a huge amount.


They have the MCT airport 3d model available on their website…Does that mean that MCT will get updated first??

based on what I know and I sadly can’t share more than this. I don’t believe MCT will be first.


will delhi be modeled by them too? Also will it include the new t1

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Yea we all have a lot of questions…Atleast a couple of answers as to what the devs are trying to do would help. @carlsberg72 could you please ask around as to what they have in mind maybe??

From what has been told in discord this is an interesting change, but it does not seem like it will completely change the game. Less impact then you guys are probably thinking I’d what it sounds like

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What it’s doing is getting them better models to work with and also not having to start from scratch. However all the other work needs to be done. So this will speed up production a bit but not a huge amount is what I hear.